
Gene Symbol
HNRNPH1 (H. sapiens)
Other Gene Symbols
Full Name
heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H)
Other Names
hnRNP H1, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H

Other Resources

Entrez: Gene Info
Uniprot: Protein Info
Organism-Specific Database
BioGrid: Interaction Info
PDB: Structures
SpliProt3D: Structural Model

Gene Product Info

Molecular Weight (kD)
Class / Family

(from Hegele et al, 2012)

Interacting Partner 1 Interacting Partner 2 Interaction Type Score PubMed ID
HNRNPH1 SF3B4 Y2H: Prey/Bait 0.75 22365833
HNRNPH1 SF1 Y2H: Prey/Bait 0.5 22365833
HNRNPH1 NCBP2 Dervied from Literature 9111328
HNRNPH1 NCBP1 Dervied from Literature 9111328
HNRNPH1 HNRNPF Dervied from Literature 9858532
HNRNPH1 HNRNPH3 Y2H: Prey/Bait 0.5 22365833
HNRNPH1 RALY Y2H: Prey/Bait 0.5 22365833
HNRNPH1 DDX5 Dervied from Literature 17643375
HNRNPH1 DDX5 Y2H: Prey/Bait 0.5 22365833

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Identified in the following experiments:

Name Species # Of Peptides PubMed ID
Supraspliceosome, G. gallus, (Chen et al 2007) G. gallus 17 17537823
Pre-B complex Sample#3, on MINX-MS2 stalled by DDX23 (hPrp28) depletion, H. sapiens, (Boesler et al 2015) H. sapiens 14 27377154
Supraspliceosome, H. sapiens, (Chen et al 2007) H. sapiens 13 17537823
B complex Sample#3, on MINX-MS2 "kinetically" trapped, H. sapiens, (Boesler et al 2015) H. sapiens 13 27377154
B complex Sample#2, on MINX-MS2 "kinetically" trapped, H. sapiens, (Boesler et al 2015) H. sapiens 9 27377154
C complex on PM5, H. sapiens, (Bessonov et al 2010) H. sapiens 5 20980672
B complex sample 2, H. sapiens, (Bessonov et al 2008) H. sapiens 5 18322460
B complex on PM5, sample 2, H. sapiens, (Schmidt et al 2014) H. sapiens 5 24448447
Pre-B complex Sample#2, on MINX-MS2 stalled by DDX23 (hPrp28) depletion, H. sapiens, (Boesler et al 2015) H. sapiens 5 27377154
C complex sample 2, H. sapiens, (Bessonov et al 2008) H. sapiens 4 18322460
C complex on MINX-GG, H. sapiens, (Bessonov et al 2010) H. sapiens 4 20980672
H complex, H. sapiens, (Jurica et al 2002) H. sapiens 4 11991638
A-like complex (A') HeLa, H. sapiens, (Sharma et al 2008) H. sapiens 4 18193060
Pre-B complex Sample#1, on MINX-MS2 stalled by DDX23 (hPrp28) depletion, H. sapiens, (Boesler et al 2015) H. sapiens 4 27377154
Mixed complexes Weri, H. sapiens, (Sharma et al 2008) H. sapiens 3 18193060
C complex on PM5, sample 2, H. sapiens, (Schmidt et al 2014) H. sapiens 3 24448447
B complex Sample#1, on MINX-MS2 "kinetically" trapped, H. sapiens, (Boesler et al 2015) H. sapiens 3 27377154
Bact complex on PM5-10, H. sapiens, (Bessonov et al 2010) H. sapiens 2 20980672
Bact complex on PM5-20, H. sapiens, (Bessonov et al 2010) H. sapiens 2 20980672
C complex, H. sapiens, (Jurica et al 2002) H. sapiens 2 11991638
EDC-A complex Weri, H. sapiens, (Sharma et al 2008) H. sapiens 2 18193060
E complex IP'd by antibody to PRPF40A, H. sapiens, (Marakov et al 2011) H. sapiens 1 22110043
C complex on PM5, sample 1, H. sapiens, (Schmidt et al 2014) H. sapiens 1 24448447
Mixed spliceosome complexes, H. sapiens, (Rappsilber et al 2002) H. sapiens 12176931

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