Spliceosome Database is a collection of tools for studying spliceosomes

Please cite Cvitkovic & Jurica, Nucleic Acids Research (2013) when using this resource.

The spliceosome is a cellular machine that removes introns from gene transcripts to generate mature messenger RNA.
It forms by a dynamic assembly of five structured RNAs - the U-rich small nuclear RNAs: U1, U2, U4, U5 and U6- and many proteins. 

An important challenge to studying spliceosomes is simply keeping track of all its components. Over one hundred proteins join and leave the the complex during splicing The picture is further complicated the variety of names and identifiers that exist in the literature for these proteins.

SpliceosomeDB provides tools to search for spliceosome genes/proteins based on several characteristics including name(s), complex designation, identification in particular mass spectrometry experiments, source organism and conserved motif/domain signatures. Each gene/protein is linked to additional sources of information and to orthologous genes in several model systems.
Tools are also available for comparing the composition of different intermediate splicing complexes and for directly examining the lists of proteins identified in mass spectrometry experiments analyzing purified spliceosome complexes.

  • Search for spliceosome components

  • Spliceosome genes/protein information

  • Curated lists of components for individual spliceosome complexes and U snRNPs

  • Mass spectrometry analyses of spliceosome complexes

  • We welcome any comments and suggestions for further improvements to the database.  
    Please reach us through the contact link at the bottom of the page.

    This research was funded in part by an National Institutes of Health grant (R01GM072694) to M. Jurica

    ©2011 Spliceosome Component Database  All Rights Reserved.
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